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Ruka držiaca sušienku

The language of power

Confrontation with the inhospitable world of legal norms most often threatens when resolving disputes. These may arise from your private or business relationships with other persons. Some have the nature of everyday problems, while others can turn into problems of dizzying proportions with serious impacts on your life or business.
Modrý tvar zakrýva tvár muža, ktorý má na sebe čierny rolák. Biela čiara sa mu prepletá v blízkosti tváre.
Do you have a great investment or business idea where you need to protect your interests and rights?
Is someone interfering with your intellectual or industrial property rights?
Have you concluded a contract and have not been paid?
Has someone lied about you and doesn't want to apologize?
Was your application for a contribution or subsidy not approved?
Is someone asking you for something they are not entitled to?
Do you want to have your legal relationship with a new business partner thoroughly adjusted?
Have you been fined or sanctioned for an administrative offense?
Has someone damaged your property and does not want to compensate you for this damage?
Has someone used your trade secret without your consent?
We will represent you in a qualified manner so that you can quickly and effectively protect your interests and assert your rights.
Olejomaľba zobrazujúca fajku a text vo francúzštine pod ňou: To nie je fajka.
René Magritte • The Treachery of Images

What do you see painted?

Was your answer a pipe? Then your answer was wrong. René Magritte only painted a picture of a pipe and named it really aptly – The Treachery of Images. The Belgian painter depicted an image of a pipe, which cannot be confused with what it represents. The author of the painting aptly pointed out that you cannot fill a painted pipe with tobacco.

The world of legal norms is the same. The concepts contained in these standards are not always identical to the real-world entities they are intended to denote.

Legal language is often incomprehensible to humans. However, it is the only language that the world of legal standards understands. It is the language of power.

The word is now a virus. The flu virus may have once been a healthy lung cell. It is now a parasitic organism that invades and damages the central nervous system. Modern man has lost the option of silence. Try halting sub-vocal speech. Try to achieve even ten seconds of inner silence. You will encounter a resisting organism that forces you to talk. That organism is the word.
William S. Burroughs • The Ticket That Exploded
Ruka držiaca zamotanú niť
Therefore, it is desirable that in the closed world of legal norms you be represented by someone who understands this language. We know how to get out of this world, we will give you a different view of it and help you bring your rights. Thanks to us, you will not get lost in the world of legal norms and institutions.

Without exceeding the norm, progress is not possible.

Frank Zappa
Muž, ktorý robí veľký krok